The Power to Declare

Nicole Hartley Bradford
7 min readApr 2, 2024


…creates reality…?

In a zoom call today I shared that I was feeling sad about how my efforts to create an in-person team haven’t been working.

My evidence was here I am, on a zoom call, after 3 months of effort, and in my in-person reality, I am not accompanied by any of the people I have invited to come live with me.

The whole team in the call was challenged by one teammate to do a breakout room experiment where we each unfold what we want more of into a space. We went into breakout rooms of two to do it.

In my breakout room, my teammate went first, unfolding into what he wanted more of: Friendship. He felt the feelings he had about how he wasn’t creating it, sadness, fear, anger. As I write, I notice I missed that he had not spoken to his joy about not creating Friendship. Noted.

In my turn, I felt my feelings and spoke from them about how I was missing Collaboration. I soon noticed that I was declaring that Collaboration was not happening, and that what I had been doing wasn’t working. In an instant I decided to change my mind about it, and experiment with declaring that it is happening, it is working.

I got feedback that I was missing a doorway to unfolding Collaboration. I asked my teammate to paint me the doorway. He wanted me to do it myself. I felt angry, and used my anger to defend myself, I was doing it by asking him to do what I didn’t see a way to do. The turn ended, and we rejooined the main group.

As zoom brought the teammates back into the main space, I shifted, but I did not notice til later. I shifted from using my anger to defend myself against my teammates perceptions, to using it to bring clarity.

I spoke from this clarity, that what I declare about Bright Principles happening makes it so, while another person can declare they are not happening and thus it can become so, and create two different realities co-existing.

A question came, what about fantasy world declarations? Do declarations that are out of touch with reality create Fantasy Worlds? If so, how does one discern one kind of declaration from another?

These questions became the basis for the next experiment. In breakout rooms we had 5 minutes each to speak to them.

What I heard myself say (Declare!) was something like: there are layers to reality, and it is emerging, on individual bases, between people, energetically, relationally, physically. As a source of reality, I can begin with a memetic and energetic declaration that a Bright Principles is happening in a space. When I or someone else believes or agrees with my declaration, it is somehow empowered to become more accurate. When someone disagrees, or if I change my mind, and the Bright Principle is declared to not be happening, this can shift reality.

For example, if I declare that Teamwork is happening in a space, in a group of people, it can be considered accurate or inaccurate by each person in the space.

Maybe my declaration that Teamwork is happening is a fantasy. Maybe Teamwork is not happening. Or it is only on the surface, while what is more accurate is that Lone Wolves are together, working, alone. A semblance of Team, with much lacking.

If a person in such a space declares Teammwork is not happening, this could be said to be accurate. They could point to the evidence that what is happening is Lone Wolves. Where are the offers for intimacy? WHere are the held spaces? When what is lacking is what a person is giving their attention to, much can be found lacking. It could be said this is an accurate description of reality, at least for that person.

Every other person in the space can choose to give their attention to evidence for or against the declaration, and buy in or not buy in to the story that Teamwork is Happening or Not Happening. As I remember scenarios like this, I recall that there are different ways of agreeing and not agreeing.

I can say to one who makes either declaration, “Yes, and…”, for the purpose of getting more clear with reality, and empowering Teamwork to be happening more than it already is.

Using various declarations, each teammate can take part in shaping the reality to some degree, as to Teamwork happening and/or not happening.

The possibility, the potential for Teamwork to be happening exists no matter what each person chooses.

What happens, as a consequence to what each person chooses, does not change the potential, only the reality…what potential is realized and what is not…for each person.

Agreement and disagreement, on the basis of who is focussed how much on what evidence, shapes the space. How much does it shape actual reality?

Henry Ford said, “Whether you believe you can or you believe you cannot, you are right.”

Whether you believe something is happening or you believe it is not happening is a more delicate matter, because it is possible to be in reality or in a fantasy world within reality.

A pitfall I notice here is that one could hold the attitude (chose to decalre?) that Fantasy Worlds are bad or wrong, while being with Reality is right and good. I think this is not helpful, but only because I think that looking more closely at what is working and what is not working is more helpful.

How you use your power to Declare determines things for you, for others and for reality as reality unfolds in the here and now, into the next here and now.

What evidence are you using to block Bright Principles, such as Teamwork, or Love, or Clarity…from being at work in your life, in your personal bubble of reality?

Are you sourcing Teamwork, Collaboration, Friendship? Love, Clarity, Empowerment?

Are you blocking them by declaring they are not happening?

If you are declaring they are not happening, what is your evidence? Are you waiting for someone else to agree or disagree? To source what you yearn to experience? How do you hold the space while you hear their declarations? How do you block or continue to source these Principles?

How are you being a Source-er-er?

I notice more clearly after this zoom call how I have been sourcing something I could call “In-person collaboration not happening”. How have I been sourcing this? Largely by declaring it is not happening, and behaving accordingly: being discouraged and resentful, taking revenge by withdrawing, looking for other teammates, “better” ones.

What if Teamwork was always happening? What if I declared it is happening, here, now and ongoingly? How would this change my attitude, my behaviour and how might this create new results in my reality? Not as a Fantasy, but as an emerging reality, where I am celebrating what is working, and taking a stand to notice, attend to and source it happening MORE?

One could say I might be building a fantasy world by declaring Collaboration is happening, evidenced by there being noone here with me, now. Like I did.

Yet…there IS a person with me in this living space, on the other side of one closed door. Three other people come and go from the building in which I am living. Only a few more doors separate me from them.

I zoom into many spaces each week, where people from “far away” live on the other sides of various doors, mountain ranges, oceans, continents.

How often and how many energetic doors exist, and how often physical door are knocked on, opened and walked through, is, in part, up to me: it is of course also up to others.

I cannot choose for others. I can choose for me. I cannot declare for others. I can declare for me.

Nothing is stopping me form declaring and choosing, unless it is me, forgetting I can, choosing to keep my feelings numb or mixed which blocks my energy from moving.

I could easily use the evidence of the relative number of times another person has handled various kinds of doorways as evidence that Collaboration not happening. But who I am I then relying on to source Collaboration?

It could be said that Collaboration is happening regardless of how many doors exist and how many I open or keep closed, because in each closed-off room, digital or physical, I am collaborating with...myself, and maybe digitally with others….

I could choose to declare, here and now, that Collaboration IS happening, and believe my declaration is true using the evidence that in a car down in Texas, one Possibilitator decided today to turn north to join me at a 5 day convergence I’ll be going to later this week. In houses 9 hours west of here, 4 other people have decided to join the convergence.

If I declare Collaboration is happening or I declare it is not happening, I make it so …for myself. I certainly thereby determine what feelings, attitudes and energies are likely to move in me following my declaration.

I can stay with reality by giving my attention, from time to time to the matter of “how am I blocking Collaboration here, now?” Maybe I give an inordinate amount of attention to this, maybe I give it due attention and maybe I take action or do not about what I find. The evidence I go with has consequences. The evidence I ignore or minimize has consequences.

Certainly I am at source for how Collaboration is happening for me, and for many of the consequences as to how reality thus unfolds.

I feel joy to remember that I choose about this, unconsciously or consciously and that I can create reminders for myself to choose more consciously to use my powers of Declaration to evoke Bright Principles and become consequential to the degree in which they are at work in the world, shaping reality.



Nicole Hartley Bradford

Nicole is a catalyst on the “Help Gaia’s Risky Human Experiment Succeed” Team.