The Cafe is CLOSED
There had been two weeks of challenge while I had navigated inwardly and outwardly, staying in a community where the offerings I had been invited to bring were accepted by some and resisted by others. I had next navigated externally from one unfamiliar country where I don’t know the language, into another. I had done all this alonsgide a person with whom I share a contextual agreement to be real, which often brings energetic, emotional, mental and physical lurches and swings.
Through all this I had stayed more clear and present than I had expected to be able.
Suddenly, I found myself, in this new place, frozen, wiped out, numb and flat. What the fuck had happened? Where was my resilience? How had I got like this? How could I get clear and present again?
A group check-in with the Possibilitators in the new place helped grow me a crack into possibilities. Somewhere in the hours since arriving, I realized, as I shared, I must have had a Trigger Sentence sneak into my mind, and then the energetic seepage-out had begun. I already knew the remedy for that. I was reminded of it by another. Would I ask for the remedy? Yes.
Before long, I sat in a chair, with a Possibilitator, Gabriel Millinger, to hold space for the remedy: SPARK 135. I had taken myself through it before, about a year ago, before I had Possibilitators in my everyday life; I had made myself a Trigger Hunter.
As the SPARK was spoken, and as I did my part, it was as if magic was happening. My senses picked up on things they hadn’t before. I remembered things from my past that I hadn’t recalled for a long time. I used energetic tools I’d not used this way before. It all changed things. I started over as a Trigger Hunter, I closed my energetic space as a cafe at which energetic parasites had long feasted.
After less than an hour, I had back energy I had been missing without fully realizing I’d been missing it, so lost in the experience of being without it I had been. I regained the presence, clarity and enthusiasm for life that this energy empowers.
In the days since, I have been noticing and catching in my Beep! Book more Trigger Sentences, as they have risen up, and learning from them. Noticing the drop in my energy is the clue that a Trigger Sentence has happened. With each one, leaks in my energetic body are more completely mended. My energetic lurches and swings are significantly less lurchy and swing-some.
I have had more energy than ever for my life’s purpose.
Within a week of having SPARK 135 read for me, I read it to another Possibilitator, and then another. As I saw evidence of the shifts I had experienced pass through each of them, I experienced ecstasy. The air shimmers with increasing possibility, clarity, aliveness and love. They both, too, became Trigger Hunters.
What if more people had this experience and became Trigger Hunters? What if more people closed the cafes their energetic spaces are to energetic parasites? What if YOU did?
I can imagine how much more the air of the world would shimmer with possibilty, clarity, aliveness and love.