Mobilizing Humans for Gaia, for ARCHIARCHY
As I wrote yesterday, I received a download on Thursday about a vision of Humans Mobilizing for Gaia. It included pats about Humans Mobilizing for Archiarchy ~ the culture, in which acts of war are illegal, and that comes after Patriarchy has become obsolete, which I think is the case.
I want to share with you the backstory:
I had watched Seth Klein’s catalysing video a few days before:
about how Canadians mobilized in world-changing ways during the Second World War, and about Seth’s parallel possibility for a massive government-funded mobilization that could as drastically and effectively remedy climate change. I felt mad because I don’t want to wait for government — or anyone else — to take the lead on such a mobilization.
In the words of musician Katy Goodman,
“if we’re waiting for them to unfuck it up, then we’re all fucked.”
She sings it:
In any case, on Thursday morning in my cozy bed I got this download of a ‘whoever wants to start, start’ mobilization framework that I think could work.
I made my way to my laptop and outlined it in video format:
I shared the video with the 630 global Possibility Creation Villagers with whom I’m in daily communication who could play a key part in such a mobilization. Indeed they already are. Despite the rate it appears that things are currently moving, they are moving fast.
Then I made a website:
While I was doing that (and having breakfast) the originator of the global Possibility Management gameworld, Clinton Callahan, saw my video and made this website:
(See?? FAST)
I’m sharing this around, trusting it will find traction, including in my 5 Bodies, for next steps.
If it finds traction with you I think that would be awesome for Gaia, Archiarchy, Humanity and all the people, animals, plants, and the watershed and climate, especially in your general vicinity.
I am open to any communication from you, especially feedback about what works for you and doesn’t about anything you find in these links, and recommendations for changes.
Love, Nicole