Holding Space: for the Emerging of Life in Yourself, in Others and in Gameworlds
A message especially for the Members of the Emotional Healing Collaboration Group
Hello! I feel joy to be creating this communication for you. I am using the joy from the call I just came from with Gabriel lechemin and Nicole Nette, two of the other space holder/guardians for this extraordinary collaboration group.
In our call we were creating/considering/weaving possibilities about evolving the group, and in particular about empowering even the newest members of the group to Become Space Holders.
I mean this in three senses:
1. As people who hold space more clearly for themselves,
2. As people who hold space for Emotional Healing Processes (EHPs) for other group members, and
3. As people who hold space for the group itself.
At one point during the call, I remembered back to when the something like 7 people, including me, originated the group.
We were each new EHP space holders. We wanted to hold space for each other to learn to become more skilled space holders. We each wanted to have more healing processes ourselves, so as to become more adept at holding space in the world.
These were our necessities, these became the purpose of the group.
As the gold generated in our shared spaces spread, more people asked to join. The group grew, and by today it has 553 members.
I don’t remember when the distinction that this group is a Gameworld landed in me. It had been a gameworld from the start, of course, but when it became more clear, it somehow seemed to me to become a capital G Gameworld.
In the call today, reflecting back over the 3 years, I could see my involvement as a space holder as that of a gameworld builder-in-training.
Once I could identify the group as a Gameworld, I immediately saw that it had a Codex, and that the Codex could be discovered, clarified and written down. I invited others to do this job with me, evolution started to happen more quickly: in the Gameworld, and in the team who stepped forward to do the job.
Over the years I have become more and more interested in Torus Technology, the distinctions, maps, tools and processes Possibilitators have discovered/created/evolved that pertain especially to groups…to gameworlds.
As I have evolved as a space holder, including as an EHP spaceholder, the wider spaces I have been holding are empowered to evolve as gameworlds.
The EH Collaboration Group includes a mixture of people, like any gameworld does. Some have shifted further into a conscious context of Radical Responsibility, others are new to the distinction of Radical Responsibility, and they are, thanks to engaging in EHPs and to becoming experimenters, learning rapidly.
My engagement in Possibility Management grew from my personal commitment to discover how to create ‘the village it takes’ to raise a child…and to initiate children into adulthood, so that as adults and elders, humans could shift from destroying to regenerating the earth for future generations.
For me, the EH Collaboration group is a discovery space for how to create ‘the village it takes’ - to raise grown-up humans out of Child Ego States into Authentic Adulthood. Each member of the group has the amount of Adult Ego State space available that they have. More is not better or more right, less is not worse, nor more wrong; the amount of Adult space a person has is where they are at, and consequences ripple out from there.
I think it is safe to say that each member of the Gameworld shares the purpose of growing ourselves up, because we want to change what kind of consequences have been resulting from the state of our Ego States.
One definition for “growing up” is “to take more Radical Responsibility and thus hold space for more Radically Responsible gameworlds.”
No wonder holding space for the EH Collaboration Group is such a great way to become a gameworld builder.
As gameworld builders for this gameworld, Gabriel lechemin, Nicole Nette and I explored in our call today ways we have been unconsciously sticking to old thoughtware about gameworlds, and slowing the evolution here.
I will speak for myself: I have been slipping into taking responsibility for the group as a Responsible Victim, numbing myself to my emotional anger and fear, which have been anger to see people making Child and Gremlin offers rather than Adult proposals, and fear to make my own bold proposals.
Gabriel and I are creating work talks about Proposal Making which will be offered soon (to find out when, you can join one or both of our newsletters through our websites: www.nicolehartleybradford.com and www.gabriellechemin )
In today’s call there was more discovery and possibility-creation about this question: how to empower newer members to become space holders:
~ for their own personal spaces,
~ for delivering Emotional Healing Processes, and
~ for the evolution of the EH Collaboration Group as a gameworld.
How might we empower members who want to, to train as Gameworld Builders?
From this discovery there emerged several proposals, and as a 3 cell we agreed to begin by offering a Work Talk about Becoming a Space Holder.
This will be open to the EH Collaboration Group Members and to others.
Gabriel, Nicole N and I will invite all of you, and others from our circles.
You can also join Nicole’s newsletter when it is ready, soon.
You can join the Possibility Management Global Events Telegram Group HERE.
I wish you empowerment in your personal space, in your relational spaces, in Healing spaces and in your gameworld creating.
Love, Nicole